15 Barnton Terrace
23 March 1912
A Charaid Chaoimh ChaonichGabhadh mo leisgeul. Bha
duil agam sgriobhadh thugaibh
roimhe so, fada roimhe seo.
Is gaolach leom cluinntinn
mu mo chaomh charaid gaolach
‘Mr Domhnull’ mar a theireadh-
mid ris ann an Uibhist. Bha
agus tha agus bithidh gaol agam
air ri mo bheo.
Cannaibh ri “Father Ould” gum
feuch mi ris an ni tha dhith air
fhaighinn dha.
Chunna mi Mr Goudie bho
chionn ghoirid agus bha e féin
agus a bhean slan fallain.
Bha mo nighean agus an duin
aice Dr Watson agus na ministear
a chunna sibh anns an taigh aso
anabarrach toilichte gun fac
iad sibh. Tha dochas aca uile gum
faic iad sibh fhathast. Is e sin is
dochas domhsa cuideachd.
Gu de tha “Father Andra” a
deanamh? Agus “Father Joseph”?
Leth-fear cinnidh dhomh fein. Mu
tha e co math a leth co math is athair
fein foghnaidh. Bha gaol agus meas
aig a chuile neach air an duine
choir uasal eireachdail.
Cuin thig sibh do Dhun eidean
a rithist? Tha dorus fosgailt, mias
lan agus leaba folamh againn
a feitheamh oirbh,
‘Gach latha sona duibh
Gun aon latha dona dhuibh’
Bhur caraid cairdeil
Alastair Macgillemhicheil.
A letter unusually written in Gaelic by Alexander Carmichael to Henry Cyril Dieckhoff (1869–1950), a Russian monk, long resident at Fort Augustus Abbey. Carmichael apologizes for not replying earlier and asks about mutual acquaintances, especially about priests whom they both knew. Carmichael closes his letter by extending his welcome to Dieckhoff to stay at his house next time he visited Edinburgh. Carmichael then signs off the letter with a proverb intimating his best wishes to his friend.
Many thanks to the Keeper at the Scottish Catholic Archives for permission to publish this letter.
SCA [Scottish Catholic Archives], FSA 200/33/3.
Còmhdach Leabhair.
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