Monday, 27 June 2011

Alexander Carmichael’s Letter of Acceptance

Dr Alexander Carmichael, 1909
Through the advocacy of Professor Donald MacKinnon (1839–1914), the first holder of the Chair of Celtic at the University of Edinburgh, Alexander Carmichael was conferred with the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws in recognition of his fifty year folklore collecting career. The honour was fully justified for if it had not been for his unstinting and selfless work then much tradition would have been irrevocably lost. Carmichael’s letter is perhaps uncharacteristically short but it clearly shows that he was deeply touched and highly appreciative of the honour that the University authorities were to bestow upon him:

15 Barnton Terrace

11th Feb[ruar]y 1909

Sir Ludovic Grant Bart,

Dear Sir,
I have the honour
to acknowledge the re-
solution of the University
of Edinburgh to confer
upon me the degree
of Doctor of Laws.
May I use the freedom
of asking you to con
vey to the Senatus my
high appreciation
of this honour.
I hope to have the
pleasure of being present
to receive this distinction.

Yours sincerely,
Alexander Carmichael

Reference and Images:
EUA/INI/ADS/STA/15, 1889–1913, Letter of Acceptance.
Alexander Carmichael’s Graduation.

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