Friday, 10 July 2009

Welcome Back to the Carmichael Watson Project

Thanks to a recently awarded research grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) the Carmichael Watson project is now able to commence phase 3. Over the next 2 years we will be expanding upon and developing the exploratory and investigative work carried out during phase 2 in order to continue to unlock the collection and make it both accessible and navigable for research usage.

Phase 3 of the project will see an intense research and dissemination programme alongside the creation of a series of on-line resources. Namely, a fully indexed archival catalogue, full text transcriptions, biographical records, digital images and a series of research tools. Project outputs during phase 3 will be focused around Carmichael’s field notebooks which form the foundation of the collection and these will be targeted for both detailed analysis and description.

We will once again be providing regular updates and on-line newsletters so keep watching this space. We hope to have the handwriting guide completed early on in the project in order to assist both on-line users and the project team to decipher Carmichael’s often erratic hand writing.

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